What We Do
Coram IAC’s mission is to place children from all parts of the world, in loving families and to work in a fair, transparent and professional manner with all individuals who need our services.

At Coram IAC we believe that:
- Every child has a right to family life, to be loved, kept safe and well and have access to education and opportunity
- For the full and harmonious development of their personality, a child should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding
- Adoption is a service for children who cannot live with their birth family
- If a child cannot be cared for by a permanent family in their country of birth, then adoption should be an option
At Coram IAC we:
- Recruit prospective adopters who can meet the needs of waiting children both in the UK and abroad
- Work positively with prospective adopters to identify potential and opportunity
- Ensure that the preparation and training, the assessment, approval and matching processes are explained and proceed in a timely fashion and within accepted timescales whenever this is within our power to do so
- Treat adoptees, prospective adopters and adopters with openness, fairness and respect
- Provide prospective adopters, adopters and adoptees with information, counselling and support, as and when needed, throughout the adoption process and beyond
- Provide an efficient, effective, fair and transparent service to all
We ask that prospective adopters and adopters:
- Understand that adoption brings both joys and challenges
- Accepts each child for who they are
- Be willing to work in partnership with the agency in the interests of children
- Be willing to learn and ask for help
- Commit to helping each child to feel loved, secure, to understand their adoption story and to feel proud of their heritage
"Parenthood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you would have. It is about understanding that he is exactly the person he is supposed to be, and, that if you are lucky he might just be the teacher who turns you into the person you are supposed to be."
Joan Ryan, The Water Giver