Advice Line

The Advice Line is the starting point if you are thinking about intercountry adoption.  One of our expert Coram IAC advisors can provide you with clear and accurate information that will assist you in making choices going forwards.

If you are contacting us for the first time,  please complete the online enquiry form.

Coram IAC's Advice Line is open to anyone who lives in one of our partner Local Authorities.  Find out here if your home Local Authority has a partnership with Coram IAC.  If you live in a small district council, your county council area may have the partnership. If you live in a Local Authority which does not partner with IAC, their Adoption Service has a legal duty to provide you with advice and information.  If we cannot work with you we will still try to signpost you to the correct services.

The service is also open to  British nationals living overseas who are exploring intercountry adoption.

Our Advice Line is run by qualified Social Workers with extensive experience of intercountry adoption.  Anyone contacting us can raise questions, concerns and anxieties in confidence.

Typically prospective adopters are seeking to find out:

  • What is involved in adopting a child from abroad
  • Eligibility criteria for different countries
  • Legal processes to be followed when adopting from abroad
  • Needs of children overseas waiting for adoption
  • Costs of intercountry adoption

The service offers the opportunity to explore your own individual situation.  Please note we only offer an email or telephone service and not face to face meetings.  We are unable to give legal advice but can recommend lawyers with expertise in the field of adoption.

The Advice Line service operates Monday to Thursday.  If you are contacting us for the first time,  please complete the online enquiry form.

Our email address is and the Advice Line number is 020 8447 4753 - please note this is an answerphone only service. In your email or phone message, please include your query and the name of the Local Authority you live in.

An Advisor will respond to you within 3 working days.


What People Say

“The Advisor was really nice & well informed & empathic”
“Advisor clear and concise”
“Helpful, patient - people amazing!”